Das Schienensystem 48V bietet eine flexible und vielseitige Lösung für die Beleuchtung von Räumen mit völliger Gestaltungsfreiheit. Das System ist in drei Schienenversionen erhältlich, die jeweils unterschiedliche Montagemöglichkeiten bieten: Einbau, Anbau oder Pendel. Mit einer Vielzahl von Leuchten, die von der Akzentbeleuchtung bis zur Allgemeinbeleuchtung reichen, können Designer verschiedene Konfigurationen für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen erstellen. Das benutzerfreundliche System ermöglicht es dem Endverbraucher, die Leuchten ohne den Einsatz von Werkzeugen einfach neu zu positionieren, um wechselnden Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, und zwar einfach und sicher, da das gesamte System mit Niederspannung arbeitet. Die Leuchten sind in den Farbtemperaturen 2700K, 3000K und 4000K erhältlich und bieten somit eine hervorragende Auswahl an Farbtemperaturen. Die Leuchten sind mit CRI90 für eine perfekte Farbwiedergabe sowie in einer Version mit UGR.
Daten herunterladen:
48V Track 1000mm Black PRO-N110-B-PT
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N110-B-PT | 48V Track 1000mm Black PRO-N110-B-PT |
48V Track Recessed 1000mm Black PRO-RN110-B-PT
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-RN110-B-PT | 48V Track Recessed 1000mm Black PRO-RN110-B-PT |
48V Surface Deep Track 1000mm Black PRO-DN110-B-PT
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-DN110-B-PT | 48V Surface Deep Track 1000mm Black PRO-DN110-B-PT |
48V Track 2000mm Black PRO-N120-B-PT
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N120-B-PT | 48V Track 2000mm Black PRO-N120-B-PT |
48V Track Recessed 2000mm Black PRO-RN120-B-PT
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-RN120-B-PT | 48V Track Recessed 2000mm Black PRO-RN120-B-PT |
48V Surface Deep Track 2000mm Black PRO-DN120-B-PT
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-DN120-B-PT | 48V Surface Deep Track 2000mm Black PRO-DN120-B-PT |
48V Live End Connector Left Black PRO-N131L-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N131L-B | 48V Live End Connector Left Black PRO-N131L-B |
48V Live End Connector Right Black PRO-N131R-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N131R-B | 48V Live End Connector Right Black PRO-N131R-B |
48V End Cap Black PRO-N132-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N132-B | 48V End Cap Black PRO-N132-B |
48V End Cap Recessed Black PRO-RN132-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-RN132-B | 48V End Cap Recessed Black PRO-RN132-B |
48V Deep End Cap Black PRO-DN132-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-DN132-B | 48V Deep End Cap Black PRO-DN132-B |
48V Flexible Connector Black PRO-N139-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N139-B | 48V Flexible Connector Black PRO-N139-B |
48V I Connector Black incl. PRO-NC01
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N133-B | 48V I Connector Black incl. PRO-NC01 |
48V L Connector Black PRO-N135-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N135-B | 48V L Connector Black PRO-N135-B |
48V L Profile Connector Flat Left Black PRO-N135FL-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N135FL-B | 48V L Profile Connector Flat Left Black PRO-N135FL-B |
48V L Profile Connector Flat Right Black PRO-N135FR-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N135FR-B | 48V L Profile Connector Flat Right Black PRO-N135FR-B |
48V L Profile Connector Flat Left Recessed Black PRO-RN135FL-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-RN135FL-B | 48V L Profile Connector Flat Left Recessed Black PRO-RN135FL-B |
48V L Profile Connector Flat Right Recessed Black PRO-RN135FR-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-RN135FR-B | 48V L Profile Connector Flat Right Recessed Black PRO-RN135FR-B |
48V Deep L Connector Flat Left Black PRO-DN135FL-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-DN135FL-B | 48V Deep L Connector Flat Left Black PRO-DN135FL-B |
48V Deep L Connector Flat Right Black PRO-DN135FR-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-DN135FR-B | 48V Deep L Connector Flat Right Black PRO-DN135FR-B |
48V L Profile Connector Stereo Black PRO-N135S-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N135S-B | 48V L Profile Connector Stereo Black PRO-N135S-B |
48V L Profile Connector Stereo Recessed Black PRO-RN135S-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-RN135S-B | 48V L Profile Connector Stereo Recessed Black PRO-RN135S-B |
48V Deep L Connector Stereo Black PRO-DN135S-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-DN135S-B | 48V Deep L Connector Stereo Black PRO-DN135S-B |
48V Ceiling Mount EZ Click with 1m Rod Black PRO-EZN147-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-EZN147-B | 48V Ceiling Mount EZ Click with 1m Rod Black PRO-EZN147-B |
48V Ceiling Mount EZ Click with 3m Wire Black PRO-EZN148-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-EZN148-B | 48V Ceiling Mount EZ Click with 3m Wire Black PRO-EZN148-B |
48V Ceiling Mount Reinforcement with 1m Rod Black PRO-N147-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N147-B | 48V Ceiling Mount Reinforcement with 1m Rod Black PRO-N147-B |
48V Ceiling Mount Reinforcement with 3m Wire Black PRO-N148-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N148-B | 48V Ceiling Mount Reinforcement with 3m Wire Black PRO-N148-B |
48V Mounting Clamp Black PRO-N1SK-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N1SK-B | 48V Mounting Clamp Black PRO-N1SK-B |
48V Ceiling Mount With 1.5m Wire Black PRO-N149-B
Index | Name | Product card |
4PGPRO-N149-B | 48V Ceiling Mount With 1.5m Wire Black PRO-N149-B |